
Is this stuff worth a burrito?

Archive for the ‘Article’ Category

Looking forward

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Thanks to all the early readers and voters for giving this blog a try. I have a bunch more stuff to post in the coming days. I’m going to try for a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule going forward; so keep your eyes peeled (and subscribe if you want).

My goal is to have a lot of participation in the polls. So even if you are not familiar with a particular item please vote. Is the posted item worth it to YOU. I don’t expect you guys to do research, or even make an informed decision. Just let me know how you feel about the item. This is supposed to be fun after all.

Written by worthaburrito

May 14, 2011 at 7:43 pm

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Hello world!

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This blog is really just for fun; nothing too serious.

I am a bit of a pack rat but I find myself wanting not to be one. So I have this junk and I want to know is it worth anything? $50? $20? Is it worth a burrito at your favorite tex-mex/mexican/latino food service location?

Why a burrito? Well, I like burritos. I don’t eat them often because I am trying to loose some weight. Also, my wife does not like burritos, so my family does not eat them that often. Therefor they have more value to me than just the monetary value they are worth. Kind of like the stuff/junk/vintage item/salvage I am posting.

I am not expecting the reader to “buy” these items I post. I just want to get a consensus if it is worth the monetary value of a burrito. For reference, that value it somewhere between $7 and $10.

I hope you laugh a little. Think a little. And I hope you don’t get too much gas from eating all these burritos.

Written by worthaburrito

May 13, 2011 at 2:40 pm

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